In February of 2022, a gentleman named Richard sent an email to JustFoodForDogs about a very malnourished dog he had just started fostering for the I Stand With My Pack Foundation in Los Angeles. Richard was familiar with JustFoodForDogs and knew that whole food nutrition would be the best option for this poor pup’s future. After seeing the photos Richard had attached to his email, we knew we had to take action and support his recovery.
The emaciated pit bull terrier, lovingly named “Chance”, had been wandering around Downtown LA with open wounds on his face and front legs. Despite not having been treated kindly in his past, there was not a mean bone in Chance’s body, and he quickly settled in with his new friend, Richard.

Chance was started on the Turkey & Whole Wheat Macaroni recipe because of its calorie content and digestibility. In no time, he was able to pack on the pounds and become the loveable meatball he was always meant to be.

Chance found his forever person in a gentleman named Mitch, and he is now living his very best life in Los Angeles. He is practically unrecognizable from the sickly pup that was wandering the streets a year ago. Chance truly represents what the Adoption Project is all about, and we are honored to have been such a big part of his story.