Category: Health and Wellness

  • Valerian Root for Dogs

    Valerian Root for Dogs

    All any loving pet parent wants for their four-legged friend is for them to have a happy, healthy life. That’s why it’s so hard to see them terrified during thunderstorms or when he hears other loud noises. It’s almost as stressful for you when he’s suffering from separation anxiety, being anxious during car rides, or…

  • Is Kale Safe for Dogs?

    Is Kale Safe for Dogs?

    Loving pet parents face some hard choices when picking the appropriate dog food for their furry friends. You want something that has all the nutritional benefits for your buddy to have a healthier, longer life, but there are a lot of choices and many different theories about what constitutes good dog nutrition. We see so…

  • Canine Cognition: How Do Dogs Think? 

    Canine Cognition: How Do Dogs Think? 

    Your dog eats, sleeps, barks, and thinks all the time. You can gather some information on how dogs think through visual cues. You can see the eyebrows twitching and hear the sighs when she’s bored and waiting for you to play or go for a walk. Or, what is she thinking when she gives you that…

  • How to Settle a Dog’s Tummy

    How to Settle a Dog’s Tummy

    There are few things more concerning to a loving pet parent than watching their pooch having problems with his digestive system. He’s so uncomfortable, but is there anything you can do to help ease your dog’s upset stomach? How can you help settle a dog’s tummy? Of course, if his intestinal distress is something more…

  • Hydrated Hounds: How To Get Your Dog To Drink Water

    Hydrated Hounds: How To Get Your Dog To Drink Water

    Are you worried about your dog’s water intake? Not sure how to encourage them to drink enough water? Here are some helpful hints to keep your hound hydrated and watch out for signs of dehydration. Why Is My Dog Not Drinking Water? Adequate hydration is essential for your dog’s health. If you’re concerned about your…

  • What Toxins Cause Pancreatitis in Dogs?

    What Toxins Cause Pancreatitis in Dogs?

    A diagnosis of pancreatitis can be a serious indicator of your dog’s health, and no one wants to see their furry friend suffer. Here’s how to help prevent and recognize symptoms of pancreatitis in dogs. What Is Pancreatitis? Pancreatitis in dogs is the swelling or inflammation of the pancreas. The pancreas’ job is to create…

  • How Many Times a Day Should a Dog Poop? 

    How Many Times a Day Should a Dog Poop? 

    Everybody Poops by Taro Gomi is a best-selling picture book written to make potty training more fun for toddlers. “An elephant makes a big poop. A mouse makes a tiny poop. Everybody eats, so everybody poops.” I can imagine a similar book just on dog poop. Just me? “A St. Bernard makes a big poop.…

  • Why Do Dogs Have Tails?

    Why Do Dogs Have Tails?

    Most loving pet parents can tell you a lot about their pooch by the movements of his tail. It’s an important part of his personality, and it plays an important role in a dog’s body language. It’s part of at least what you think you know about the emotional state of your dog. But is…

  • Why Does My Dog Burp So Much?

    Why Does My Dog Burp So Much?

    You know when you’re sitting in the living room watching TV, and suddenly your dog lets out a huge burp? You might count yourself lucky that it didn’t come out the other end, but can excess gas or excessive burping be a sign of trouble? Dog burps, like human burps, result from the formation of…

  • Preventative Care for Dogs

    Preventative Care for Dogs

    Let’s face it, our furry friends become cherished members of the family. Just like any other family member, they deserve the best possible health care. Preventative care is the cornerstone of keeping your dog happy and healthy throughout their life. This blog post will serve as your guide to all things preventative care for dogs,…