Category: Health and Wellness

  • Colitis in Dogs

    Colitis in Dogs

    If you have a furry friend, you might have experienced the unpleasant experience of waking up in the middle of the night and realizing your pooch has had an accident. You can smell the diarrhea, and you know your buddy is in distress. What causes that kind of diarrhea in dogs? Well, there might be…

  • Dog Paws Anatomy & Care Guide

    Dog Paws Anatomy & Care Guide

    A dog’s paws do a LOT of work! Understanding the basic anatomy of your dog’s paws is helpful knowledge for dog owners to know what’s normal. Today we’re ‘digging’ into all things dog paws and how to best care for your furry friend’s feet and keep your pup healthy for years to come. The Anatomy…

  • Dogs and Citrus: A Guide for Pet Parents

    Dogs and Citrus: A Guide for Pet Parents

    Citrus fruits are a refreshing part of many human diets, but can our canine companions share in the sunshine snack? Those vitamins can provide many health benefits to humans, but what about pets? The answer, like many things related to dog food, is: it depends. Let’s dive into the world of citrus and canines to…

  • Critical Signs of Stress in a Dog

    Critical Signs of Stress in a Dog

    If there’s one thing we’ve learned in the past several years, it’s how harmful stress can be to our health. We often turn to our furry friends when we feel stressed, and their unconditional love helps us feel better. But what about them? Does your dog get stressed, and would you know if he did?…

  • What Toxins Can Cause Seizures in Dogs?

    What Toxins Can Cause Seizures in Dogs?

    One of the scariest medical emergencies for any loving pet parent is to see their beloved furry friend having a seizure. You feel helpless and frightened for your dog, and of course, you wonder what might have caused it. Though most dog seizures are over within a few seconds, they leave an indelible mark on…

  • This Is Why Your Lab Is Overweight

    This Is Why Your Lab Is Overweight

    Is your Lab overweight? Labrador Retrievers, those ever-popular canine companions known for their boundless energy and friendly demeanor, hold a special place in many hearts. However, beneath the playful exterior of this dog breed lurks a hidden vulnerability: a predisposition to weight gain. This blog post delves into the reasons behind this issue, explores the…

  • Greek Yogurt Benefits for Dogs

    Greek Yogurt Benefits for Dogs

    Both Greek yogurt and regular yogurt can be very nutritious for you, but what about your best friend? Can dogs eat either type of yogurt? Is it good for them, and what are the health benefits? Let’s begin by examining the difference between Greek yogurt and regular yogurt. How Is Greek Yogurt Different from Regular…

  • How to Help Improve Dog Tear Stains Naturally

    How to Help Improve Dog Tear Stains Naturally

    Tear stains on your dog’s face can be unpleasant and uncomfortable. Here’s everything you need to know about the causes of tear stains, what they might mean for your dog’s health, and how to potentially remove dog tear stains naturally at home. What Are Dog Tear Stains? Dog tear stains are reddish-brown marks around a…

  • How To Help Dogs With Dry Skin

    How To Help Dogs With Dry Skin

    Dry skin is a common condition for many dogs, and pet owners surely want to find a way to help. Knowing how to identify the symptoms and causes of dry skin and health conditions in dogs that can cause it will help you figure out the best remedy for your pup. This way you can…

  • 10 Surprising Dog Food Myths Pushed by the Industry

    10 Surprising Dog Food Myths Pushed by the Industry

    Choosing the right food for your furry friend can feel overwhelming, especially with so much conflicting information available. Let’s clear the air by debunking some of the most common dog food myths: Pet Food Myth #1: Grain-free pet food is healthier. The whole truth: The pet food industry loves to insinuate that grains are not…