10 Surprising Reasons Why Some Dogs Are Poop Eaters
There are few things that loving pet parents find disgusting about their best friend. Witnessing your furry friend consuming his own poop is something that could turn off any loving dog owner. Poop eaters are often an enigma. You think you’re giving them the best dog food and the best care, so why are they…
Can Dogs Eat Dark Meat Chicken?
Choosing what chicken dog food to feed your best friend is an important step that can affect their overall well-being. Many pet parents are looking for more natural ingredients that offer high-quality nutrition. Some dog owners are choosing raw meat for their furry friends because they believe it represents a more natural diet. Other pet…
A Brief History of Extruded Dog Food in America
For many dog owners, kibble is the go-to fuel for their furry friends. But have you ever wondered how those little brown bites come to be? The answer lies in a unique process called extrusion. To best understand what extruded dog food is and how we got here, one first needs to dive into the…
Can Dogs Eat Zucchini?
When it comes to choosing the right dog food for your best friend, you want to make sure you get the healthiest food available. Most people know about the health benefits of veggies, but can your furry friend eat them, and if so, what kind? Can dogs eat zucchini? Zucchini is a versatile and nutritious…
A Guide to Single-Protein Dog Food
Choosing the best diet for your dog requires a little research. Understanding the pros and cons of different ingredients will help you make your decision. Here’s everything you need to know about single-protein dog food diets. What Is Single Protein Dog Food? Single-protein dog food is pretty much exactly what it sounds like — dog…
Can Dogs Eat Russet Potatoes?
A varied diet is the best way for dogs to get all the nutrients they need and maintain top-tier pet health. A single type of dog food is rarely enough to meet their needs, let alone keep them satisfied! Russet potatoes are a human food that’s safe for dogs and tick all the boxes for…
What to Look for in Dog Food for Herding Breeds
Herding dogs are hard workers, and they must get high-quality dog food to meet their energy needs. The most common dog breeds that are used for herding include Australian Shepherds, or Aussies, Border Collies, German Shepherds, and Old English Sheepdogs. Working dogs like these have high energy levels and needs that require dog food that…
Manganese For Dogs: Does Your Dog’s Diet Have Enough?
The role of manganese for dogs, how much they need, and how to spot a manganese deficiency.
What Does Human Grade Mean for Pet Food?
Pet food marketing is right up with there with general “wellness” or “all natural.” It’s confusing. What do these terms mean? To answer these questions and more, let’s explore this corner of the wild and woolly world of pet food land. Let’s start with a distinction of human grade dog food vs. feed grade. What…
Can Dogs Have Cranberries?
There’s no denying the pop of vibrant red cranberries adds festive cheer to the holiday dining table. Yet, they’re more than a seasonal side dish. This small fruit packs a punch on the health-o-meter no matter the season. Cranberries even hold a spot on the superfoods list, so you can feel good about snacking on…