Category: Health and Wellness

  • How Do Dogs Get Staph Infections?

    How Do Dogs Get Staph Infections?

    Staph infections in dogs are just as opportunistic as in humans. Here’s a short riddle for you. What’s a normal bacteria found in everyday life that is harmless until it finds an opportunity to infect the skin?  If you thought of a staph infection, you’re right. This common pathogen is present on the skin of…

  • Can Dogs Eat Brown Rice?

    Can Dogs Eat Brown Rice?

    Can dogs eat brown rice? Yes, dogs can eat brown rice! The nutritional benefits of this whole grain make it an excellent choice for high-quality carbohydrates in dog food. If you’re looking for a healthy, natural superfood that can help boost your pet’s health, read on to learn more about the benefits of brown rice.…

  • Fiber for Dogs

    Fiber for Dogs

    As humans, we know that dietary fiber is an important element of our overall well-being, but what about our best furry friends? Do dogs need fiber? What is it, what are the sources of fiber that are best for your pooch, and how does it help your dog’s digestive system? Let’s take a closer look…

  • How to Help a Constipated Dog

    How to Help a Constipated Dog

    It’s a little embarrassing, but you know how it feels to be constipated and have difficulty with a bowel movement. You know how uncomfortable it is, and naturally, you don’t want your best friend to have to go through that kind of discomfort. Dog constipation, like human constipation, can be a big problem. So, you…

  • How to Give a Dog a Pill 

    How to Give a Dog a Pill 

    Did your veterinarian prescribe a pill-based dog medication? Are you concerned your pup isn’t going to cooperate once you get them home? It happens. Maybe you have a newer rescue, or you’re just feeling a little nervous about feeding your dog an oral medication.  Not a problem! Dogs everywhere take pills daily – some of…

  • Can Dogs Have Heart Attacks?  

    Can Dogs Have Heart Attacks?  

    Heart disease isn’t just a human problem. It can also affect our beloved pups and lead to several heart problems, including heart attacks. One heart problem is coronary artery disease (CAD), the primary cause of heart attacks.  Fortunately, heart attacks, aka a myocardial infarction in dogs, aren’t that common. Yet, many pet owners want to…

  • How to Firm Up Dog Poop

    How to Firm Up Dog Poop

    Experts in human medicine are constantly learning more about how important the gastrointestinal tract is for overall health. That’s also true of your dog’s digestive system. Your dog’s gut, just like your own, is a critical part of his health and well-being. Before learning how to firm up dog poop, it’s important to learn more…

  • How to Tell If a Dog Is Sick 

    How to Tell If a Dog Is Sick 

    If you’re concerned your pup seems “off,” you’re smart to pay attention. Every experienced pet parent knows behavior changes are one of the first warning signs of a potentially sick dog. For example, instead of bounding up for a walk when you pick up the leash, your dog might raise his head and look at…

  • Why Does My Dog Keep Getting Ear Infections?

    Why Does My Dog Keep Getting Ear Infections?

    If your dog gets recurring ear infections, you might want to take a closer look at its diet.

  • Symptoms of Mycotoxin Poisoning in Dogs

    Symptoms of Mycotoxin Poisoning in Dogs

    What to know about mycotoxin poisoning in dogs and how the mold gets into kibble.